A Message From Our President
Dear Members and Friends:
I'm writing this letter to ask your help for The Western Pennsylvania Kidney Support Groups.
Our 501(c) (3) organization was established in May, 2010, to provide support and education to kidney and kidney/pancreas patients and their families who are on dialysis, are approaching dialysis, are awaiting transplants or have received transplants. We also sponsor semi-annual seminars in conjunction with The West Penn Allegheny Health System and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, as well as with the local dialysis centers. We are requesting donations to enable us to continue to help those in the Renal and Transplant Community across Western Pennsylvania. Specifically:
We need to provide information about our Groups to the over 100 dialysis centers in our area;
We want to continue to hold our semi-annual seminars in the Pittsburgh area;
We want to establish a Peer Phone Support Line for Renal patients and Transplant patients.
Funding is needed for the printing and mailing of our informational brochures and literature and for the expenses associated with our seminars. All of our leaders and board members are volunteers; we have no paid staff. Our members do not pay any dues or fees and there is no charge to attend our seminars.
If interested in making a donation, feel free to contact any of our board members and they will make sure your donations make it to our President.
Thank you,
Joe Mores